
Stepwise development of a simulation environment for operating room teams: the example of vertebroplasty.
Pfandler M, Stefan P, Wucherer P, Lazarovici M, Weigl M.
Adv Simul 2018; 3: 18.

Misleading symptoms and successful noninvasive rewarming of a patient with severe hypothermia (23.1 °C).
Woehrle T, Lichtenauer U, Bayer A, Brunner S, Angstwurm M, Schäfer ST, Baschnegger H.
Anaesthesist 2018; 67 (12): 931-935.

Level 3 guideline on the treatment of patients with severe/multiple injuries
Bouillon B, Pieper D, Flohe S, Eikermann M, Prengel P, Ruchholtz S, Sturmer K, Waydhas C, Trentzsch H, Lendemans S, Huber-Wagner S, Rixen D, Hildebrand F, Mosch C, Nienaber U, Sauerland S, Schenkel M, Walgenbach M, Becker M, Buhn S, He S, Jaschinski T, Mathes T, Bernhard M, Bottiger B, Burger T, Fischer M, Gutwald R, Hohenfellner M, Klar E, Rickels E, Schuttler J, Seekamp A, Swoboda L, Vogl T, Waldfahrer F, Wustner-Hofmann M, Bader W, Duran A, Gathof B, Geyer L, Haske D, Helm M, Hilbert-Carius P, Kanz KG, Kneser U, Lehnhardt M, Lier H, Lott C, Ludwig C, Marzi I, Mauer U, Schafer J, Schwab R, Siemers F, Strasser E, Wessel L, Wirth S, Wurmb T, Polytrauma Guideline Update Grp.
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2018; 44 (Suppl 1): 3-271.

Diagnostics and early treatment in prehospital and emergency-room phase in suspicious pelvic ring fractures.
Schweigkofler U, Wohlrath B, Trentsch H, Greipel J, Tamimi N, Hoffmann R, Wincheringer D.
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2018; 44 (5): 747-752.

Are large fracture trials really possible? What we have learned from the randomized controlled damage control study?
Steinhausen E, Bouillon B, Rixen D, Members of the damage control study group , Matthes G, Bail HJ, Grüber C, Zenker W, Burger C, Rixen D, Steinhauen E, Schiffer G, Flohe S, Lögters T, Täger G, Hußmann B, Marzi I, Wutzler S, Bonk A, Kremer M, Irlenbusch L, Rueger JM, Hildebrand F, Mommsen P, Schoierer O, Burkhardt M, Scherer J, Seekamp A, Josten C, Wölfl C, Jürgens C, Zimmermann M, Ruchholtz S, Mutschler S, Huber-Wagner S, Trentzsch H, Ernstberger A, Mittlmeier T.
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2018; 44 (6): 917-925.

Reduction and fixation of displaced U-shaped sacral fractures using lumbopelvic fixation: technical recommendations.
Piltz S, Rubenbauer B, Böcker W, Trentzsch H.
Eur Spine J 2018; 27 (12): 3025-3033.

How could the topic patient safety be embedded in the curriculum? A recommendation by the Committee for Patient Safety and Error Management of the GMA.
Kiesewetter J, Drossard S, Gaupp R, Baschnegger H, Kiesewetter I, Hoffmann S
 GMS J Med Educ 2018; 35 (1): Doc15.

Simulation centres in German hospitals and their organisational aspects: Expert survey on drivers and obstacles.
Rampel T, Gross B, Zech A, Prückner S.
GMS J Med Educ 2018;35 (3): Doc40.

Organisationsverschulden: Aus der Rechtsprechung für das Management von Krankenhäusern lernen.
Gross B., Kucharz N.
Gynakologe 2018; 51 (7): 508-509.

Long-term changes of patient-reported quality of life after major trauma: The importance of the time elapsed after injury.
Fleischhacker E, Trentzsch H, Kuppinger D, Meigel F, Beyer F, Hartl WH.
Injury 2018; 49 (2): 195-202.

A radiation-free mixed-reality training environment and assessment concept for C-arm-based surgery.
Stefan P, Habert S, Winkler A, Lazarovici M, Fürmetz J, Eck U, Navab N.
Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg 2018; 13 (9): 1335-1344.

Improving Clinical Performance of an Interprofessional Emergency Medical Team through a One- day Crisis Resource Management Training.
Truta TS, Boeriu CM, Lazarovici M, Ban I, Petrisor M, Copotoiu SM.
J Crit Care Med 2018; 4 (4): 126-136.

Nonparametric change point estimation for survival distributions with a partially constant hazard rate.
Brazzale AR, Küchenhoff H, Krügel S, Schiergens TS, Trentzsch H, Hartl W.
Lifetime Data Anal 2018.

Convincing the Non-Believers.
Lazarovici M, Baschnegger H, Sandmeyer B, Prückner S.
Medical Training Magazine 2018; 1: 6-9.

Improving nontechnical skills of an interprofessional emergency medical team through a one day crisis resource management training.
Truta TS, Boeriu CM, Copotoiu SM, Petrisor M, Turucz E, Vatau D, Lazarovici M.
Medicine 2018; 97: 32.

Organisationsverschulden in Krankenhäusern: Systematisierung von Pflichten der sorgfältigen Organisation.
Gross B., Kucharz N.
Medizinrecht 2018; 36 (3): 143-155.

App-basierte Systeme zur Ersthelferalarmierung.
Gross B, Schanderl F, Staedt N, Elsner C.
Notfall und Rettungsmedizin 2018; 1 (1): 1-8.

Determination of the age threshold of injured children inmass casualty incidents. From vision to implementation in the rescue service area of Munich, Germany.
Thies N, Kanz KG, Prückner S, Sellerer N, Streckbein S.
Notfall und Rettungsmedizin 2018; 21(6): 457-461.

Festlegung der Altersgrenze von verletzten Kindern beim Massenanfall verletzter Personen - Von der Idee zur Implementierung im Rettungsdienstbereich der Landeshauptstadt München.
Thies N, Kanz KG, Prückner S, Sellerer N, Streckbein S.
Notfall und Rettungsmedizin 2018; 21 (6): 457-461.

Importance of trauma and emergency surgery for German metropolitan emergency departments-an analysis of 524,716 emergency patients.
Biberthaler P, Forschner L, Gehring C, Trentzsch H, Kanz KG, Prückner S.
Unfallchirurg 2018; 44 (Suppl 1): 3-271.

Optimization of criteria for activation of trauma teams : Avoidance of overtriage and undertriage.
Bieler D, Trentzsch H, Baacke M, Becker L, Düsing H, Heindl B, Jensen KO, Lefering R, Mand C, Özkurtul O, Paffrath T, Schweigkofler U, Sprengel K, Wohlrath B, Waydhas C.
Unfallchirurg 2018; 121 (10): 788-793.

Team training and assessment in mixed reality-based simulated operating room : Current state of research in the field of simulation in spine surgery exemplified by the ATMEOS project.
Stefan P, Pfandler M, Wucherer P, Habert S, Fürmetz J, Weidert S, Euler E, Eck U, Lazarovici M, Weigl M, Navab N.
Unfallchirurg 2018; 121 (4): 271-277.

"Everyone talks about quality ...".
Trentzsch H, Matthes G, Mutschler W.
Unfallchirurg 2018; 121 (10): 772-773.

The TraumaRegister DGU® dataset, its development over 25 years and advances in the care of severely injured patients.
Trentzsch H, Maegele M, Nienaber U, Paffrath T, Lefering R.
Unfallchirurg 2018; 121 (10): 794-801.

A Consensus-Based Criterion Standard for the Requirement of a Trauma Team.
Waydhas C, Baake M, Becker L, Buck B, Düsing H, Heindl B, Jensen KO, Lefering R, Mand C, Paffrath T, Schweigkofler U, Sprengel K, Trentzsch H, Wohlrath B, Bieler D.
World J Surg 2018; 42 (9): 2800-2809.

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